In the implementation the National Institute of Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the “Challenging Research Program for Next Generation Researchers”, This fellowship program is designed to support doctoral students in a wide range of majors, to develop cross-field doctoral human resources who will lead innovation, through the KIT interdisciplinary research environment, graduate school education and research guidance system, and local industry-academia-government collaboration. Selected students will receive research fellowship (amount equivalent to living expenses) of 1.8 million yen and research expenses of 700,000 yen (standard amount), as well as a doctoral career support program.
?令和3年度採用者一覧 FY2021(PDF)
?令和4年度採用者一覧 FY2022(PDF)
?令和5年度採用者一覧 FY2023(PDF)
?令和6年度採用者一覧 FY2024(PDF)
Applicants must follow the application guidelines and submit the required documents by the application deadline.
募集要項 Application Guidelines |
申請書(様式1) 1~3ページ目 Fellowship Application Form (Form 1) P.1~3 |
申請書(様式1) 4ページ目以降 Fellowship Application Form (Form 1) P.4~ |
評価書(様式2) Supervising Professor Evaluation Form (Form 2) |
Form 1 should be converted to PDF when submitting by e-mail and merged into a one PDF file.
Request your supervising professor submit form 2 to the Financial Support, Student Support and Community Outreach Office by email by the deadline.
Applications must be received by Friday, January 31, 2025 at 5:00 pm (Japan time). ※must be received
1 Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8585 JAPAN
京都工芸繊維大学 学生支援?社会連携課 経済支援係
Kyoto Institute of Technology Financial Support, Student Support and Community Outreach Office
TEL: 075-724-7150
E-mail: shogaku@jim.kit.ac.jp